Planning & Design
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation was established in 2015 to drive forward ambitions for regeneration in Ebbsfleet, through the scheme known as Ebbsfleet Garden City. Planning powers were transferred from Kent County Council, Dartford Borough Council and Gravesham Borough Council to support regeneration in the area. Whilst the plan making role remains with the Local Authorities, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation are the decision-making authority and are responsible for assessing and determining the majority of planning applications submitted for land within the area, known as the ‘urban development area’.

As Local Planning Authority for the Ebbsfleet Urban Development Area (Ebbsfleet Garden City), Ebbsfleet Development Corporation seeks to work proactively and collaboratively with applicants and encourage early engagement and communication regarding proposals at every stage of the planning process.
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation determines a number of applications, ranging from full planning permission, variation to existing planning permissions (s.73), discharge of planning conditions, and advertisement consent. However, this list is not exhaustive, and there several planning matters that are dealt with by the Local Authority to determine, such as Lawful Development Certifications, High Hedges Legislation and Applications under the Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996.
If you have any questions as to whether you should submit an application via Ebbsfleet Development Corporation or your local authority, please get in touch with the team.

Search, comment on or submit a planning application
You can search for planning applications to see:
- the full details of applications
- restrictions in place
- attached documents, such as drawings
Commenting on a planning application:
All representations sent to Ebbsfleet Development Corporation in relation to a planning application is public information, including comments made by statutory consultees or neighbours.
If you make a representation your comments will be available for public inspection on the internet and by law must be available for anyone to inspect. This includes publishing any comments on our Public Access pages, so please note your correspondence cannot be kept confidential. However, your comments are reviewed and personal information such as your signature, email address or telephone number will be removed.
Submit a planning application:
Planning applications can be submitted electronically through the Planning Portal or in paper format. Visit the Planning Portal to make an application.
Before submitting a planning application, the local planning authority can provide informal advice on a development proposed based upon the information and documentation provided with the enquiry.
Pre-application engagement is a highly valuable tool that offers significant opportunities to improve the quality of a scheme and efficiency of the planning application process, ease the understanding of planning considerations, and reduce the likelihood of an application being refused. The Corporation encourages engagement in pre-application discussions for any proposal within its boundary.
Download the Pre-Application Advice Form
Policy & Guidance
As local Planning Authority, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation have a statutory duty to determine planning applications in accordance with the adopted development plan. The adopted development plans for the local authorities can be found:
Design is one aspect of the pre-application process and forms an important aspect when assessing applications. From neighbourhoods, buildings, streets, parks and open spaces, the Design for Ebbsfleet website provides design guidance that should be used to inform all planning applications within Ebbsfleet.
This includes guidance on the design of buildings, streets/public spaces and preferred approaches to sustainable travel and parking.
Visit the Design for Ebbsfleet website
The Ebbsfleet Design Forum
The Ebbsfleet Design Forum was established in 2019 to help deliver exemplary design quality across Ebbsfleet. The Forum is an independent review panel comprised of 25 professional members, managed by Frame Projects. The Forum supports Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s officers and planning committee in securing high-quality development and the creation of exceptional places. All significant projects being submitted for planning approval are expected to be reviewed by the Ebbsfleet Design Forum at least once, including all significant EDC projects.
The Forum promotes an open and discursive review model based on round table discussion between members, scheme promoters, their design team and the Corporation’s planning team. Large scale or complex projects are encouraged to seek a Design Forum.
Find out more about the Design Forum here
Make An Application
Planning applications can be submitted electronically through the Planning Portal or in paper format.
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation requests that applications are submitted electronically where possible. If paper submissions are necessary, then application forms can be found on the Planning Portal to download and complete. It is necessary to ensure the applicable planning fee has been paid before an application can be validated.
Planning application fees can be paid via the Planning Portal, by BACS or by cheque made payable to ‘Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’.
Please contact the Planning Team for payment details if using BACS: edcplanning@ebbsfleetdc.org.uk or telephone 0303 444 8832Validation Requirement
Before submitting an application, please review the Validation Checklist which provides guidance in respect of the type of information required to accompany a planning application. It is necessary to have the relevant information to determine applications and minimise the need for further submissions to avoid delays to decision making. If submitting an application pursuant to an outline planning permission, please ensure you review any specific additional requirements established by that previous decision.
You can review the Validation Checklist here
Planning Committee
The function of the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s Planning Committee is to consider planning applications within the Corporation’s development area. The committee comprises Ebbsfleet Development Corporation board members, local authority representatives and independent members. The current members of the committee are:
Neil Cameron KC – Chair
Valerie Owen OBE – Vice Chair
Fred Maroudas
Cllr David Mote
Cllr Lee Croxton
Cllr James McInroy
Rev. Penny Marsh
Planning Enforcement
Planning enforcement is the investigation of alleged breaches of planning control and, where a breach of planning control is identified, the aim is to resolve these using the most appropriate action. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is responsible for enforcing control for all planning enforcement matters. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s Planning Enforcement Team deals with any alleged planning breach reported to them. This includes complaints about developments taking place without planning permission or building works and change of use of land or buildings.
To report a breach, you must provide:
- the address of the breach
- type of breach such as erection of a building or structure, advertisement or change of use
- your name and address – anonymous complaints will not be investigated.
- a detailed description of the breach
Details of who is reporting a breach are kept confidential. The Planning Enforcement Plan can be viewed here.
Important Documents
Validation Checklist
Before submitting an application, please review the Validation Checklist which provides guidance in respect of the type of information required to accompany a planning application. It is necessary to have the relevant information to determine applications and minimise the need for further submissions to avoid delays to decision making.
Infrastructure Funding Statements
An Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a factual report produced by local authorities to summarise the amount of developer contributions obtained, allocated and spent within the previous financial year. This statement must be published by 31st December each calendar year.
Useful information
Heritage helps new communities arising from development be better integrated into the existing social landscape. Heritage helps connect new development with the past and can build community strength and identity through pride and sense of place.
In 2022, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation commissioned Kent County Council to develop an Archaeological Characterisation for Ebbsfleet.
The intended audience for the Characterisation is archaeologists, planners and researchers, who will be able to use it to guide and underpin decision-making with respect to the archaeology of the study area. The Characterisation can also serve as the basis for further heritage interpretation, by which the story of the study area can be brought to a wider audience, or for the development of planning tools.
As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) Kent County Council can provide information and advice if you are preparing a planning application. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) aim to manage rainwater runoff in a natural way by replicating natural processes.
This document has been produced to provide planning officers and developers with guidance on the requirements for the Council’s waste collection service. Gravesham Borough Council operates a fortnightly collection of refuse and recycling and a weekly collection of food waste. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that all the relevant bins and sufficient storage space is provided for each property.
There has been no change to Building Control procedures following establishment of the Development Corporation. There are a number of providers for building control services in Kent. These include local authority providers as follows:
Dartford Borough Council Building Control Service
Telephone: 01322 343434
Email: customer.services@dartford.gov.uk
South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership
Telephone: 01634 331133
Email: building@stgbc.org.uk
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. It came into force on 6 April 2010 through the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.
Development may be liable for a charge under CIL if your local planning authority has chosen to set a charge in its area.
New developments that create net additional ’gross internal area’ of 100 square metres or more, or create new dwellings, are potentially liable for the levy.
Some developments may be eligible for relief or exemption from CIL. Please note that strict requirements apply with regard to the timing of the exemption process and you should refer to the guidance highlighted below for details. In most cases a Commencement Notice (Form 6) must be served prior to the commencement of development, otherwise:
- the exemption or relief may be revoked
- the full CIL charge may become payable
- a surcharge may be applied.
What are S106 agreements?
Section 106 (S106) agreements are legal agreements between a planning authority and a developer, or undertakings offered unilaterally by a developer, that ensure that certain extra works related to a development are undertaken.
They are most widely used to support transport infrastructure improvements, although there are also examples of obligations being used to support training initiatives, environmental improvements and corporate objectives, as well as to mitigate the impacts of development.
Planning obligations and agreements
- Planning obligations, also known as Section 106 agreements (based on that section of The 1990 Town & Country Planning Act) are private agreements made between local authorities and developers and can be attached to a planning permission to make acceptable development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms.
- The land itself, rather than the person or organisation that develops the land, is bound by a Section 106 Agreement, something any future owners will need to take into account.
The Government’s guidance on the use of planning obligations is set out on Gov.uk. Local planning authorities must take this guidance into account in their decisions on planning applications and must have good reasons for departing from it.
Planning Obligations are used for three purposes:
- Prescribe the nature of development (for example, requiring a given portion of housing is affordable)
- Compensate for loss or damage created by a development (for example, loss of open space)
- Mitigate a development’s impact (for example, through increased public transport provision).
Planning obligations must be directly relevant to the proposed development.
What are Bird Contributions?
Bird Wise is the brand name of the North Kent Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Scheme (SAMMS) Board, a partnership of local authorities, developers and environmental organisations. The North Kent SAMMS Board is made up of the following organisations:
The project was set up to address the impact that additional development in north Kent will have on bird populations on the Thames, Medway and Swale Estuaries. These sites are Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Ramsar sites that are protected by both European and international designations. If you’re a developer planning works in North Kent, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation may ask for a contribution, per dwelling, to help resolve disturbance issues. You can find out more by getting in touch with the team.
These Handling Arrangements set out the administrative arrangements made by Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) under Regulation 64(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for the separation of functions between persons acting for or assisting EDC in its capacity as Local Planning Authority and persons acting for or assisting EDC in its capacity as planning applicant/funder in connection with plans or proposals for the redevelopment of sites across Ebbsfleet.
Alkerden Hub Handling Arrangements
Northfleet Embankment East Handling Arrangements
Northfleet Station Handling Arrangements
Ebbsfleet Green Handling Arrangements
Ebbsfleet Central Handling Arrangements
EC Primary Substation Handling Arrangements
Images of plans, drawings and other material relevant to an application are made available on this site for public inspection purposes only pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 so that they can be inspected at a more convenient time or place than would otherwise be the case.
Unless the 1988 Act provides relevant exception to copyright, the plans, drawings and other material on this site should not be copied without prior permission of the copyright owner. You should also note that you may not use documents electronically copied from this website for submission with new planning applications.
Terms of Reference (TOR) define the purpose and structures of the planning committee. The TOR outlines the frequency, composition and operation of the Planning Committee, alongside roles and responsibilities.
You can download the Terms of Reference here.
The Register of Interests logs all Committee members’ financial and commercial interests of its members.
You can download the Register of Interests here.
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation can only consider comments that relate to planning matters. These include:
- design and appearance (should be high quality, in keeping with the property and street)
- the effect on historic buildings, conservation areas and protected trees
- the nearby effect on homes nearby, like loss of light, outlook, privacy and noise
- any effect on vehicle, pedestrian or cycle safety
After you make a comment
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation receives a large number of responses, so it is not possible to respond personally to each comment. All information you send to us in relation to a planning application is public information and will be available for public inspection on the internet.
Your representation will be considered by the planning officer dealing with the application as part of the decision-making process. All comments received are summarised in the officer’s report. If you have commented on the application, you will be informed of the decision.
Decision Notices
Decision Notices are available to view via PublicAccess. We do not provide paper copies; however, documents can be downloaded from PublicAccess here.
S.106 Agreements – Planning
The information sheet provides details of the relevant Section 106 Agreement documents for the following development sites within Ebbsfleet:
• Whitecliffe/Eastern Quarry – Castle Hill, Alkerden and Ashmere (Dartford)
• Ebbsfleet Green – Weldon (Dartford)
• Croxton and Garry – Ebbsfleet Cross (Dartford)
• Cable Wharf – Northfleet (Gravesham)
• Harbour Village – Northfleet (Gravesham)
• Springhead Park – Northfleet (Gravesham)
Copy Documents
Due to the file size documents are not available via email. All planning applications and permission documents are available online by searching the planning reference number. We do not provide paper copies of the documents, but they can be downloaded from the EDC PublicAccess page.
Building Control
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation do not hold building regulation documents. Please refer to Building Control at either:
Dartford Borough Council or Gravesham Borough Council.
S.38 Agreements – Highway Adoption
Section 38 Agreements are not held by Ebbsfleet Development Corporation. Please refer to Kent County Council in their role as the Local Highway Authority.
Additional Links
Residents Guides
Management Companies
Property Search
If you have any further questions, please email your request to the Planning Team.

Planning Committee Dates & Papers
Meeting agendas can generally be viewed on this website five working days before the meeting takes place. Minutes of the decisions taken at the meeting will also be available on the website once they have been agreed.
All meetings will start at 7pm unless otherwise stated.