Frequently Asked Questions
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation gets a lot of questions from those of you in the area or thinking of moving to the area. We’ve detailed the most frequent questions we get – along with the answers – below for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation was set up in 2015 to act as the catalyst for regeneration in Ebbsfleet through powers to determine planning applications as the Local Planning Authority for the area. The Corporation also invests in infrastructure to support the development of Ebbsfleet Garden City, including private infrastructure (electricity water) as well as public infrastructure (roads, schools). The Corporation also has capacity for direct development of land for a greater variety of homes and jobs in sitations where the market may not deliver these.
The Corporation has powers, similar to those available to local authorities, to buy land on a compulsory basis. Compulsory Purchase Orders are not used lightly and may be required only rarely, where negotiations to purchase land fail.
Residents of Ebbsfleet will have access to the full range of health facilities and services in addition to services already provided across Dartford and Gravesham, subject to market demand. As the population grows GP Practices and health hubs are proposed and incorporated into plans across Ebbsfleet neighbourhoods.
Ebbsfleet Garden City’s first new primary school, Cherry Orchard opened at Castle Hill in September 2017. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is working with Kent County Council as the Education Authority, and developers, to continue to deliver facilities for local students. Kent County Council remain the lead for all enquiries regarding allocation and determining timely delivery of school facilities.
Kent County Council is the Highway Authority for all roads in the development area. The Corporation continues to ensure good quality and safe streets that are well maintained long-term through the design of new developments, including roads which will become publicly adopted by the Highway Authority. The approach to transport improvements is through creating opportunities for active travel and investment in public transport and strategic highways improvements, such as the delivery of Springhead Bridge, forward funding A2 Bean Junction improvements and the Fastrack improvement and extension programme.
Ebbsfleet Development Corporation maintains an online register of all planning applications within the area which can be accessed from the following page: applications.ebbsfleet.org.uk/online-applications
If you want to comment on a planning application that has not yet been decided, planning applications inside the Corporation’s boundary will be available for public comment as they would be without a Development Corporation.
The easiest way to make comment is online via the above address or alternatively, you can send in your representations direct by email to EDCplanning@ebbsfleetdc.org.uk, or by post.
It is important that the planning application reference number and site address is provided when making a representation so that the team can identify comments made to the correct application. Your name and address must also be provided because local planning authorities are unable to consider anonymous comments.
All information you send us in relation to a planning application is public information, including comments made by statutory consultees or neighbours. Your comments will be available for public inspection on the internet and by law must be available for anyone to inspect. This includes publishing any comments on our Public Access pages, so please note your correspondence cannot be kept confidential. Your comments are reviewed and personal information such as your signature, email address or telephone number will be the only elements removed.
The Development Corporation will make and issue the decision on all proposals that fall within its powers, including full and outline permissions, EIA screening and scoping opinions, variations to conditions (Section 73), reserved matters applications, non-material amendments, prior approval applications, listed building consents, and applications for advertisement consent. The Corporation does not have powers to determine some applications, for example certificates of lawfulness (existing or proposed use).
Once a planning application has been validated, local planning authorities are expected to make a decision on the proposal as quickly as possible and in any event within the statutory time limit, unless a longer period is agreed in writing with the applicant. This applies equally to the Development Corporation. The statutory time limits are usually 13 weeks for applications for major development and 8 weeks for all other types of development (unless an application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment, in which case a 16 week limit applies).
The Development Corporation is however committed to assist developments to be delivered at pace, as well as quality, and encourage applicants to engage in pre-application discussions prior to formal submission which can help speed up the formal planning application process.
The majority of decisions on applications submitted to Ebbsfleet Development Corporation are likely to be delegated to officers for decision in conformity with the Development Corporation’s Scheme of Delegation.
For any issues relating to the home or upkeep of your neighbourhood, the Corporation recommends speaking with your management company, or liaising directly with the housing developer in the first instance. Details of your management company and contact details will be found in your deeds. An overview of management companies across Ebbsfleet can be found here.
My Community Voice, provided by Kent Police, is a great engagement tool that allows you to have direct engagement with local officers and get updates on work and crime prevention advice. Find out more via their website: www.MyCommunityVoiceKent.co.uk
Planning enforcement is the investigation of alleged breaches of planning control and, where a breach of planning control is identified, the aim is to resolve these using the most appropriate action. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is responsible for enforcing control for all planning enforcement matters. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s Planning Enforcement Team deals with any alleged planning breach reported to them. This includes complaints about developments taking place without planning permission or building works and change of use of land or buildings. You can find out more about the planning enforcement process via the Planning and Design page.
The team cannot consider:
- any private agreements made that may affect properties
- Right to Light Act
- loss of property value
- spoiling your view
- works that cross the boundary to your property
- disturbance from building work
- comments on Lawful Development Certificates (these certificates are applications to determine if planning permission is needed. This decision is based on legislation and not judgement on any other matters)
- condition applications (applications to discharge conditions need to be judged by specialists).
The proposed pub in Castle Hill is privately owned by Shepherd Neame, who are responsible for bringing the site forward. Whilst there are currently no live planning applications, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation continues to work with the company to identify opportunities to bring forward the facility as soon as practicable.