Parks & open spaces

What is planned?
More than 50 new parks and open spaces are planned for Ebbsfleet, with 7 city new parks and over 40% of the Ebbsfleet regeneration area dedicated to blue and green space, the equivalent of over 1000 football pitches, or 42 Bluewater Shopping Centres!
A range of park types and sizes are planned across Ebbsfleet. Each park will be designed to support the needs of local residents, and together will form a diverse network of landscapes, and a rich menu of facilities in which to exercise, play, relax, create, engage, celebrate and come together as a community.
The long term ambition is for Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust to own and manage most, if not all, of the public parks and spaces. You can find out more information about the Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust by visiting their website.
A network of parks and open spaces
Ebbsfleet Central Park
Set in the heart of Ebbsfleet, the park will provide a large and prominent new open space for residents new and old, re-connecting Swanscombe to Ebbsfleet’s eastern neighbourhoods.
Ebbsfleet River Park
The park follows the alignment of the ancient Ebbsfleet River and will highlight the heritage of both the river itself and the surrounding industrial landscape, whilst performing an important water management and flood mitigation function. Existing wetland areas will be maintained to ensure the river is protected as a valuable ecological corridor. Limited/managed routes across/through the park will provide better connectivity with the wider Kent countryside
Blue Lake Park
The design for Blue Lake Park will activate the current topography of Blue Lake, unify adjacent neighbourhoods and provide a landmark destination at the foot of the boulevard from Ebbsfleet International Station.
Northfleet Riverside Park
The harbour and promenade could be developed as a linear waterside park, transforming a derelict harbour into a vibrant waterfront. These spaces will be delivered to support the ambitions of the London Port Authority’s ‘Vision for Tidal Thames’, transforming the harbour with apartments, eateries, waterside business space and community uses to create a vibrant waterside leisure destination for residents and visitors. The promenade will maintain its industrial character by retaining historical features and materials and commanding dynamic views of this busy part of the Thames.
Whitecliffe Lakes
Whitecliffe Lakes, also known as Castle Hill lakes, is an entirely new park connecting the cliffs in the south of the quarry with Craylands Gorge in the north. Once complete, the park will form part of a major connection between the open countryside and the River Thames, providing an enhanced route to connect to the existing pedestrian/cycle bridge over the A2. You can enjoy access to the lakes via Platinum Jubilee Park and the bridge connecting visitors to the lake pathway.
Craylands Gorge Park
Craylands Gorge will build on the success of Swanscombe Heritage Park by improving connections to the east and west, and north-south between Eastern Quarry and Swanscombe Peninsula. The gorge provides a unique and distinctive landscape, and a very different habitat to the larger quarry spaces that connect to it.
Swanscombe Peninsula Park
This park consolidates Botany Marsh, Black Duck Marsh and Broadness Marsh into a coherent and valuable local and regional ecological resource. The park will consist of habitats including managed grasslands, mashes, reed beds and open water. These habitats have the potential to support a variety of birds, invertebrates and plant species including a number of endangered species. Controlled public access will be provided along the entire river front, and facilities could include interpretation boards, bird hides, viewing platforms and a visitors’ centre.
See the vision from the sky!
Parks on the map