Northfleet Embankment East artist impression

Ebbsfleet Design Forum

The Ebbsfleet Design Forum

The Ebbsfleet Design Forum was established in 2019 to help to deliver exemplary design quality across Ebbsfleet. The Forum is an independent review panel comprised of 25 professional members, managed by Frame Projects. The forum supports Ebbsfleet Development Corporation’s officers and planning committee in securing high quality development and the creation of exceptional places.

Read the Design Forum Terms of Reference

Which projects should be reviewed by the Design Forum?

All significant projects being submitted for planning approval are expected to be reviewed by the Ebbsfleet Design Forum at least once, including all significant Ebbsfleet Development Corporation led projects.

Project significance is related to project size and use, for example:

  • Major masterplans and complex schemes are recommended to request at least two Forums during the design and planning process.
  • Any large buildings or groups of buildings should seek a Design Forum
  • Infrastructure projects such as bridges or transport hubs should seek a Design Forum
  • Large public realm proposals would benefit from a Design Forum
Read this guide to taking a project to the Design Forum

Upcoming Design Forum Dates

The following dates are scheduled for future Design Forums, however Ebbsfleet Development Corporation are also able to arrange Design Forum sessions on other dates, subject to the availability of Forum members, and the level of notice provided when making a booking.

17th October
21st November
12th December


16th January
20th February
20th March
17th April
15th May
19th June
17th July
21st August
18th September
16th October
20th November
11th December

Fill in this form to request a Design Forum

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