Senior Planning Officer (Local Planning Authority)

Who we’re looking for (essential criteria):

  • Knowledge of Environmental Impact Assessment processes and procedures.
  • A minimum of 3 years Town Planning experience, including Chartered Membership of the RTPI or equivalent (or the ability to apply for membership).
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills suitable to present technical issues to Planning Committee members, the public and representatives from a range of different professional backgrounds.
  • Experience of managing planning applications and related legal agreements.
  • Decisive, effective and creative evidence-based decision-making with a focus on positive outcomes.
  • Sound project planning skills.
  • Good working knowledge and experience in the use and development of I.T. software, systems and organisation.
  • Knowledge and experience of local planning authority and / or private sector processes and procedures.
  • Experience of working with developers/landowners to advance opportunities through advice, recommendations and negotiation; and
  • Excellent customer service skills with experience of dealing with members of the public and a wide range of stakeholders.

Information about the role:

Position: Senior Planning Officer
Salary: c.£50k
Hours: Full time
Location: The Observatory, Castle Hill

The Corporation operates a hybrid working arrangement whereby staff mix working from home and the office.

Role & Responsibilities:

  • Effectively and efficiently deal with a range of development proposals, including a range of major planning applications, providing pre-application advice and dealing with any post decision/delivery matters.
  • Engage with developers, statutory consultees and stakeholders to negotiate effectively on behalf of the EDC to ensure the delivery of high-quality development.
  • Evaluate and make sound recommendations on the planning merits of development proposals by producing robust delegated and committee reports and presenting applications at planning committee where required.
  • Determine planning applications in accordance with statutory timescales or a planning performance agreement.
  • Provide advice and information on planning issues to residents, businesses and stakeholders.
  • Provide support with site monitoring and planning compliance matters.
  • Carry out planning enforcement work as required, including writing reports, working alongside legal advisors to draft notices, presenting and preparing evidence for planning and enforcement appeals and giving oral evidence at hearings/inquiries.
  • Support the Director of Planning & Place/Head of Development Management on any engagement with the plan-making authorities associated with the production and consultation of development plan documents.
  • Ensure effective liaison with other functions within the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation, local councils and external agencies as appropriate.
  • Attend public meetings, site visits, inspections and exhibitions which may take place outside of normal working hours.
  • Support the continuous improvement in the delivery of services provided by the Corporation’s Planning Service.
  • Take reasonable care of own safety and to co-operate with managers/supervisors in complying with statutory health & safety duties; and
  • Such other non-recurring duties appropriate to the post as may be directed.

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter explaining clearly how you meet the essential criteria to EDC Recruitment: along with the Important Documents.

We look forward to receiving your application! 

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