image of two people standing over architectural drawings

Employment & apprenticeship opportunities

There is a shortage of people with the skills needed in the built environment sector, both locally and nationally and with the major development of Ebbsfleet, the Corporation are committed to assisting local residents take advantage of the economic benefits and opportunities arising. We call this Inclusive Growth and have training programmes prioritising Dartford and Gravesham residents who wish to upskill or reskill and develop the skills needed to build Ebbsfleet.

The programmes available to local residents will be promoted on this page when live.

Positive Impact

In order to maximise the positive impact for local people, in developing our approach we have identified a range of outcomes, such as jobs for local people, and creating healthier environments, that seek to address the particular needs of the communities in and around Ebbsfleet. These fall under three broad themes: economy, community and environment.

To ensure a co-ordinated approach across all of the many organisations delivering Ebbsfleet, there needs to be a common set of measures of the social value being created, and a common means to record the benefits being created. We use the Social Value Portal – a recognised platform for recording social value – and a common set of benefits. This common set of benefits are referred to as Themes, Outcomes and Measures (TOMs). Whilst Ebbsfleet Development Corporation funds programmes to assist in these initiatives, developers are expected to support these programmes, as well as create their own opportunities, in order to achieve these ambitions.


Developers are expected to measure their achievements both through directly employed labour/direct activity, as well as collating the data from sub-contractors, in order to achieve these ambitions. Developers are also expected to support the local supply chain by using resources, materials and companies from within a 20-mile radius of site and by providing advice to local MSMEs and VCSEs to encourage growth.

Pre-construction and during the construction phase, developers are obliged to submit 6- monthly reports on how they are assisting EDC in achieving these social value ambitions and meeting their S106 obligations. Once buildings are completed and handed over, occupiers will then complete a pro-forma detailing how they are continuing to ensure local residents benefit from the growth of Ebbsfleet.

2023 local employment initiative

Through employability programmes, training, taster sessions, placements, work experience and recruitment strategies:

  • Assist unemployed local residents into work
  • Assist young people currently not in education, employment or training into work (16-24 years old)
  • Assist unemployed local women into work Help improve employability skills of young people
  • Ensure access to opportunity is available to disadvantaged local residents and work with agencies operating locally to provide equality, diversity and inclusion opportunities
  • Create awareness of career pathways with secondary education aged young people, particularly into careers in the built environment
  • Promote higher skilled career pathways to assist in local skills attainment
  • Use local providers to deliver skills training programmes and initiatives
Download the Employment Initiative

Education Outreach

To develop a talent pipeline of young people with skills for the future, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has partnered with Construction Youth Trust to deliver programmes focused on careers in the built environment, to students in local secondary schools and Further Education Colleges.

If you’d like support in your school, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with the team today.

Get in touch

Careers in the built environment

There is a shortage of people with the skills needed in the built environment sector, both locally and nationally and with the major development of Ebbsfleet, the Corporation are committed to assisting local residents take advantage of the economic benefits and opportunities arising. We call this Inclusive Growth and have training programmes prioritising Dartford and Gravesham residents who wish to upskill or reskill and develop the skills needed to build Ebbsfleet.

Take a look at the programmes available to local residents.

Find out more

Ebbsfleet Apprenticeship Network

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation would like to invite apprentices to join an aspirational, value-added apprenticeship programme, giving a suite of experience and learning, alongside their core nationally recognised qualification. Not only will your apprentices be supported and learn new skills, but the scheme will help increase retention and completion rates.

  • Who is the scheme for?

    Apprentices and graduate trainees employed by partner developers, contractors and sub-contractors in the Garden City area, at any level of qualification. Apprentices and graduate trainees can be any age, not only in construction and professional built environment programmes, but also employed in service industries or by occupiers in Ebbsfleet.

    Activity will count towards apprentices off-the-job training requirement. For clarity – the scheme is not for delivery of the apprenticeship qualifications, it is to support the apprentices and trainees as an added value element to their apprenticeship and/or learning programmes.

  • Adding value to developer Social Value commitments

    In return for their participation in the scheme, apprentices will receive a range of benefits and can participate in a range of Ebbsfleet Development Corporation led activities designed to promote apprenticeships and careers to young people and assist with Social Value, such as education outreach programme with schools, colleges, universities, apprenticeships and careers in Ebbsfleet and assist in promotion of careers in line with equality, diversity and inclusion commitments.

  • What’s in it for apprentices?

    Career progression opportunities

    Meet the CEO and Directors

    A tour of Ebbsfleet Garden City

    Network, mentoring, support and buddies

    Develop and strengthen personal skills

    Learn from experts in their field

    …and much more!

Get in touch

If you are an organisation looking to support the next generation of skilled workers, we’d love to hear from you!

Pop us an email and a member of the team will be in touch.

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