Image of trees

Environment & Sustainability

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation is taking action to mitigate the effects of climate change, meet the UK’s net zero targets for 2050, and address the biodiversity crisis. The scale of land and assets in Ebbsfleet provides a unique opportunity to find innovative solutions to sustainable living.

Image of trees

Ebbsfleet Environmental Sustainability Framework

In 2021, the team developed an Environmental Sustainability Framework, which outlined the Corporation’s approach to champion and deliver sustainability in Ebbsfleet. This Framework focused on five strategic priorities:

  1. Carbon and energy: Working towards net-zero carbon targets for all homes and businesses
  2. Water: Reducing water demand, designing for flood resilience, and providing access to water for sports and leisure activities
  3. Waste and materials: Helping to reuse materials and reduce waste
  4. Health and well-being: Having the right things in place so everyone can lead healthy lives
  5. Natural Environment: Increasing biodiversity and the climate resilience of open spaces

Building on the Environmental Sustainability Framework delivered in 2021, the Corporation has now announced the creation of two further approaches, the Ebbsfleet Decarbonisation Plan and Ebbsfleet Sustainable Performance Framework, which set out a road map to achieving net-zero carbon by completion of Ebbsfleet Garden City, alongside the principles on which sustainability can be delivered through a variety of projects and initiatives across development sites.

Ebbsfleet's Decarbonisation Plan

Ebbsfleet’s Environmental Sustainability Framework sets two key ambitions for carbon and energy; to be net zero carbon
upon completion, and to be an exemplar for energy generation, distribution, and efficiency.

To deliver on these ambitions, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation will lead by example, ensuring development reflects the highest levels of design quality and environmental sustainability, using modern methods of construction where appropriate to improve efficiency and performance of homes in their journey toward achieving zero carbon homes.

The Decarbonisation Plan defines the scope of the carbon footprint, assesses current and future carbon emissions, tests strategies to meet the ambition, highlights key actions and provides a mechanism for tracking progress.

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Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Sustainable Performance Framework

The Sustainable Performance Framework has been developed to define the ambitions for the sustainability of Ebbsfleet Development Corporation development projects across the five priority areas of the Ebbsfleet Environmental Sustainability Framework, and a sixth area to support inclusive growth.

This Framework identifies a set of objectives and corresponding measures that the Corporation will aim to meet, in order to deliver on the overarching outcomes for environmental sustainability in Ebbsfleet.

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Making Space for Nature

Making Space for Nature in Kent and Medway will work with partners and stakeholders to collaboratively establish shared priorities for the delivery of nature recovery and environmental improvements, in order to create a network of wildlife-rich places across the county.

This local nature recovery strategy is one of 48 – together these will cover the whole of England, with no gaps or overlaps, to deliver the government’s commitment to ending the decline of nature and support its recovery.  Kent County Council is the Responsible Authority for developing the county’s Nature Recovery Strategy and over the next 18 months the Making Space for Nature project team will develop the county’s strategy.

This will create a local habitat map that identifies areas of importance for biodiversity and areas that could become of importance. It will also develop a statement of biodiversity priorities, which draws on the features of Kent’s biodiversity, and identifies potential measures for nature recovery.  The Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy is a strategy for everyone – it will shape what our nature and landscape will look like in years to come and deliver a network of wildlife rich places across Kent and Medway for all to enjoy and benefit from.  The development of the Strategy will be locally led and collaborative – the project will work with those that own and manage the land; those that influence how biodiversity is protected and enhanced; those that use and depend on nature’s services; and those that inform and make decisions. By being informed by stakeholders’ priorities, data, information and knowledge, we will create a strategy that presents a plan for joined-up action to recover our county’s nature.

Find out more

Working in Partnership

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation will continue to work in partnership with developers and stakeholders through a variety of initiatives to ensure that sustainability requirements are embedded into all projects and opportunities. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has three levels of control:

Own: where the Corporation owns the land and have direct control.

Share: the impacts and opportunities that will need to be delivered in partnership.

Influence: that the Corporation has direct control over wider opportunities where we may be able to influence outcomes through partnerships and more integrated development.

The Ebbsfleet GREENmap

This interactive Ebbsfleet GREENmap lets you explore the habitats, trees, wildlife and water across Ebbsfleet all in one place. The map is a great way to get involved by mapping a local tree, reporting a sighting of local wildlife, or finding out how to help nature to flourish in your neighbourhood.  

Click below and start exploring!

View the map

Positive changes in the everyday

So many decisions we make in our everyday lives have a major impact on the planet. Environmental sustainability is important to preserve resources like clean air, water and wildlife for future generations. Explore these tips for ways you can make small changes that are eco-friendly and will have a lasting effect on your health and the environment.  

Small changes…big impact!

Wind turbine
Energy & Carbon 
Wind turbine
Energy & Carbon 
  • Use heating controls and ensure you’re never using more heat than you need. Smart heating controls are available for all types of heating systems, including electric storage heaters.  
  • Draught-proofing areas such as gaps around the windows and doors, between floorboards or up your chimney is a cost-effective way to save energy and reduce your household’s carbon emissions.
  • Did you know, switching to showers is a great way to reduce your water usage, particularly when keeping your shower to 4 minutes or less.  
  • Invest in water butts. Where possible, watering your garden using a water butt, cooking water or even your watering can is much more efficient than a sprinkler or hose. 
Waste & Materials
Waste & Materials
  • As much as 25% of the items in your trash could potentially be removed from the waste stream and composted in your back yard? Food scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds can all be composted, and make for great fertiliser! 
  • Use a reusable bottle or cup for drinks on the go. While most cans and bottles can be recycled, they require a lot of energy to be produce, shipped and sold. Bringing your own drinks and reusable cups not only saves you money, but saves the environment too! 
Natural Environment
Natural Environment
  • There are many ways you can help the natural environment, such as using public transport or travelling by foot. 
  • Eat local produce. Did you know we have Edible Ebbsfleet planters across Ebbsfleet? Find out how you can get involved here.

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