Statement from Ebbsfleet Development Corporation: Alkerden Education Campus

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation continue to be in active discussions with landowner and master-developer Henley Camland to bring forward Alkerden Education Campus, a new facility due to provide more than 2,000 nursery, primary and secondary school spaces for students across Ebbsfleet and surrounding communities.

Outline planning approval was granted for Eastern Quarry, the site comprised of Alkerden, Ashmere and Castle Hill neighbourhoods, in 2007. Outline planning approval established a wide range of conditions that requires the developer to provide a range of social and economic infrastructure alongside, and in proportion to, the development of homes in Eastern Quarry and neighbouring communities. Detailed planning permission was subsequently granted for the Education Campus in 2021.

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation wishes to reassure residents and local community members that timely delivery of the Education Campus, alongside wider community infrastructure, remains a priority and focus for the Corporation. We will continue to engage with stakeholders to determine the appropriate route of delivery.

Kent County Council, in its capacity as education authority for the area, have approved Henley Camland’s timescales for the delivery of Alkerden Education Campus. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation, in role as Planning Authority for the area, will continue to ensure that facilities are delivered in a timely fashion and the developer meets its obligations outlined in planning consents.

Mark Pullin, Director of Planning and Place:

The Education Review Group (ERG) has been established as a platform for discussion between stakeholders on the methodology for delivery of the education facility, identifying demand for the campus and wider ambitions for Eastern Quarry. Kent County Council, a stakeholder in the ERG, must ensure provision of sufficient pupil spaces at any appropriate time and location to meet its statutory obligations, which it continues to review. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation will continue in its role to ensure planning obligations are met through S106 agreements.

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