Ebbsfleet Garden City continues to deliver on Levelling Up priorities

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has championed the vision of ‘Levelling Up the United Kingdom’ since its inception in 2015 to deliver up to 15,000 new homes in a 21st Century Garden City.

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation welcomes the continued focus on the regeneration of brownfield land to create great places to live and work, set out in The Levelling Up And Regeneration Bill referenced during the Queen’s speech on Tuesday 10th May, marking the start of the 2022 Parliamentary year.

In response to the Government’s mission to level up towns across the country, create new jobs and infrastructure, alongside the provision of high-quality homes, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation will continue to deliver Ebbsfleet Garden City at pace in line with their ethos as an innovator of 21st Century community rejuvenation.

Ebbsfleet Garden City Vision

Since launching in 2015, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) has driven the delivery of the UK’s first new Garden City for over 100 years, all on former chalk quarries in North Kent; creating an exemplar cohesive community which sets a new standard on high quality development expected for the 21st century. EDC are committed to working with developer partners to deliver up to 15,000 new homes with a variety of opportunities for everyone across a range of price points, types, and tenures, including at least 30% affordable housing, and a range of specialist products including for older people, those who may want custom or self-build, and private rental models.

To date, 2,980 homes have been completed, of which a third are affordable, with over 6,500 residents calling it home, as well as new community infrastructure including 3 primary schools, 2 community centres and local shops. The construction of new homes and businesses continues to be delivered at pace in response to the Bill’s emphasis on enhancing existing settlements, driving high quality homes, and spreading opportunity and prosperity across the UK. 533 homes were completed throughout 2021, cementing Ebbsfleet as one of the best performing large development sites in the UK.

Ebbsfleet Central

The delivery of Ebbsfleet Garden City further provides opportunity to create thousands of new jobs, all on brownfield land, within the economic area of Gravesham and Dartford, part of the Thames Estuary. With Ebbsfleet Central as the focal point of the Garden City, communities and businesses will be able to benefit from Ebbsfleet International rail hub – just 17 minutes from Central London and 2 hours from Paris. The creation of Ebbsfleet Central, to be set on up to 5.2 million sq. ft. of mixed-use development, will incorporate a variety of uses, including retail, education, health & wellbeing alongside its use as major transport and infrastructure hub, and will give the area a unique character and provide vital services to deliver a vibrant and sustainable community. The completion of Ebbsfleet Central has the potential to generate thousands of higher skilled and higher paid new jobs, which will directly help address the living standard challenges created through low GVA and high unemployment in the area, particularly amongst younger residents in North Kent.  With outline planning application set to be delivered summer 2022, this innovative project is forecast to complete with a gross development value of c£1.2bn.

Healthy Communities

Engaging with Levelling Up’s focus on healthy communities, EDC have outlined plans to invest in a range of green and blue spaces, introducing a variety of places to go and things to do locally which will enable communities to improve their long-term health outcomes. Bringing forward a grid of 7 new city parks, along with new pedestrian and cycle routes, landmark leisure buildings and pursuit centres, and a range of community infrastructures, all further promotes the Garden City’s identity as a dynamic place to live, work and enjoy healthy lives.

Plans for the future

EDC continue to drive development across the Garden City, working with new and existing residents through a co-design process to deliver plans for parks, community buildings, and new neighbourhoods helping to ensure residents have a sense of ownership over facilities delivered in their communities.

Upon the completion of Ebbsfleet Garden City, EDC will hand over to Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust, who will be responsible for managing parks and open spaces, sports and leisure facilities and community buildings to a consistently high standard – ensuring local residents remain central to the management and governance of their Garden City.

Simon Dudley, Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Board Chair, comments on the success of Ebbsfleet Garden City:

 “Ebbsfleet Development Corporation brings the necessary resources, skills and expertise to increase focus on local capacity to deliver well designed and well serviced neighbourhoods across the Garden City.  Our focus continues to remain on driving a wide range of opportunities to live, work and play for people of all ages, background and incomes, empowering local people to directly benefit from growth and investment.

“We welcome the Parliamentary focus on Levelling Up’s mission to give everyone the opportunity to flourish in their communities, living longer and more fulfilling lives, benefitting from a high standard of living and wellbeing.

“In line with The Levelling Up And Regeneration Bill, Ebbsfleet Garden City will continue to improve living standards through high quality housing, spread opportunities through public services, with major transport, energy and social infrastructure improvements, and empower people to take pride in their communities.”

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